Justice Themis Saint Seiya


Name: Justice Themis
Origin: Saint Seiya Episode G
Gender: Female
Classification: Titaness Goddess
Age: Unknown, older than Olympians (billions of years at least)
Powers and Abilities: Skilled warrior, through divine Cosmo has super strength, super speed, enhanced durability, telepathy (sealed Titans could exacerbate from Tartarus humanity's fighting instincts, risking World War III), telekinesis, energy blasts, forcefields, levitation/flight, dimensional travel, higher senses to track people and events over large distances and through dimensions, soul manipulation (sealed Titan's power from Tartarus could passively resurrect mythological beings and people all over Earth) and summoning. Through Dunamis has matter and energy manipulation at the atomic level and reality warping. Through Dunamis and Ichor (divine blood) has regeneration (low godly) and immortality (mix of types 1, 3 and 4). Can heal and empower other beings through her Ichor and Dunamis
Weaknesses: Lightning attacks powerful enough to maim her body are more dangerous to her than attacks of a different nature (sealed form)
Destructive Capacity: Universe level (Shura and Aiolia couldn't destroy her Brabeus Talanton and needed to be bailed out by Aldebaran) | Multiverse level (created several Giants that are living universes)
Range: Multi star system with two seals, galactic with one seal (exception when in private universe which is universal) | Multiversal
Speed: Massively FTL+
Durability: Universe level with Soma, would resist absolute zero | Multiverse level
Lifting Strength: At least Galactic
Striking Strength: Universe Class | Multiverse Class
Stamina: Inexhaustible
Standard Equipment: Flamberge Soma armor for attack and defense with its own Cosmo signature that shares/aids the Titan's regeneration, Planete Temple that acts as a manifestation of his power and can be manipulated and rebuilt by her.
Intelligence: Years of experience fighting wars against other Gods
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Brabeus Blade: A strong energy blast shot by Themis' legs, similar to Shura's Excalibur. Brabeus Blade can also deflect an attack back to the person who used it.

- Brabeus Talanton: A huge balance made of Cosmos that Themis creates, smashing its enemies with the weight of its sins. The weight is determined by the sins committed by the victim according to Themis sense of justice, so a crime against the gods – especially the Titans – will be enough to crush the body of the enemy.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


- Titanomachy database with information on Titans' backstory, basic attributes, Cosmo, Dunamis, seals, Somas and individual abilities

Trivia: Themis is the wife of Dimension Iapetos and mother of Prometheus.

Not to be confused with the similarly - named character from Guilty Gear

Key: Sealed Form | Unsealed