Azrad Demonbane OBD

Name: Azrad
Origin: Demonbane (Kishin Taido and Kishin Hishou)
Gender: Male
Classification: Human Sorcerer | Phantom (in Kishin Hishou)
Age: In his late 20s
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, magic, barriers, mind manipulation resistance, energy blasts, flight via his Magius Wings, can shapeshift his Magius Wings into various forms to either attack and defend, can summon multiple Scimitars of Barzai and remotely control them, can dispel magical effects by using his sword as the conductor, able to instantly summon/transform into the Deus Machina Aeon to fight | Same but more powerful with soul manipulation, can pour life energy into his weapons and Deus Machina to increase their power, soulfuck and mindfuck, reality warping resistance (denied Another Blood's powers and come into existence) can enchant his Scimitar of Barzai with Cthugha or Ithaqua, reality warping, exceed the concept of time and space (goes all the way to the Last Void)
Weaknesses: Mostly powerless without Magius Form or his Deus Machina. Using the Necronomicon's magic drains Azrad's soul thus eventually killing him. Due to the immense strain he cannot use Aeon for more than a few minutes. Obsessed with revenge against Raal Rovdy. | Unknown
Destructive Capacity: Small building level | Multiverse level+ (recreates Keeper of Silver Key and make Cor Leonis so powerful to that point it can match Heart of Infinity thus creates Silver Key Guardian God, also revives and returns Al Azif to existence even after she got erased from existence by Another Blood)
Range: Extended melee range, 10+ meters via thrown weapons | Multiversal+
Speed: Superhuman (he has little speed feats to speak of, potentially much higher) | Massively FTL+
Durability: Superhuman, building level+ via the protection of Magius Wing or barriers | Unknown
Lifting Strength: Superhuman+
Striking Strength: Class KJ (can slice large dinosaurs in half with ease) | Immesurable (can hurt Another Blood)
Stamina: Large (can fight for long hours or even days) | Unknown
Standard Equipment: Necronomicon (aka Al Azif, allows him to turn into Magius Form or summon the Deus Machina Aeon), Scimitar of Barzai (at least 10 of them)
Intelligence: Above average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This profile covers Azrad only in his Magius form.

Key: Base (Kishin Taido version) | Ghost form (Kishin Hishou version)