Demonbane Another Blood OBD
Demonbane Blood

Name: Demonbane Blood
Pilot: Another Blood
Origin: Demonbane (appear in the sequel game, Kishin Hishou Demonbane)
Powered By: Magic
Destructive Capacity: Possibly at least continent level (is Demonbane Two Sword's equal and easily traded blows with Kishin Hishou Magius Kurou) | Multi continent level+ (easily curbstomp Demonbane Two Sword with one casual attack)
Durability: At least continent level+ (Demonbane Two Sword's equal) | Multi continent level+ (easily tanked Demonbane Two Sword's attacks)
Material: Unknown
Performance: Massively FTL+ | Much higher
Terrain: Ground, air and space
Needed Prerequisite for Use: Being Another Blood (or Daijuuji Kuzaku)
Special Forms:

  • Timaeus and Critias
  • Spell Helix
  • Shantakk Wing
  • Atlach Nacha
  • The Scimitar of Barzai
  • Mirror of Nitrocris
  • Cthugha and Ithaqua
  • Atlantis Strike
  • Lemuria Impact
Notable Features: Super strength, durability, durability, flight, fire and ice attacks using Cthugha and Ithaqua, illusion creation and minor reality warping via Mirror of Nitocris, trapping via Atlach-Nacha, time and space manipulation via Atlantis Strike, regeneration/self repair, barriers via Timaeus and Critias, magic, teleportation, blood manipulation
Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Key: Normal Version | After Another Blood absorb Al Azif