Miroku Inuyasha OBD
That hand's been places you can only dream of

Name: Miroku, Houshi-sama
Origin: Inuyahsa
Gender: Male
Classification: Buddhist Monk
Age: 22
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, Kekkai creation (Miroku has the ability to put up barriers using his spiritual powers), Kazaana (a hole in the palm of his hand which sucks everything into it and sends it to another dimension), poison resistance (Miroku has absorbed Naraku's poison countless times and has survived)
Weaknesses: If he absorbs poison into his Kazaana he will get poisoned
Destructive Capacity: Building level
Range: Extended Human melee when using his staff; a few dozen meters with the Kazaana
Speed: Faster than the eye+
Durability: Small building level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (was once able to fight Inuyasha on an even level)
Striking Strength: Superhuman
Stamina: Superhuman (able to move and fight after being seriously poisoned)
Standard Equipment: His Tekko (arm protector used to seal his Kazaana), Shakujou Staff, sacred sutras, rosary
Intelligence: Miroku is very cunning and intelligent. He learns very quickly. His knowledge about demons, exorcism and holy power is very vast. He learns to ride a bike only upon watching Kagome to ride it
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Wind Tunnel: Sucks up anything in the immediate area

- Ofuda Scrolls: Capable of creating barriers and can harm demons, exorcise demons and spirits, or make things invisible to demons

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Not be confused with the characters of the same name from GetBackers