Iron Man



Name: Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark aka Iron Man
Origin: Marvel Comics Animated Universe/Avengers Assemble
Gender: Male
Classification: Human/Superhero/Genius/Businessman
Age: Late 20s - early 30s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman genius; designed various advanced technological weapons and armors, enhanced reflexes, enhanced senses and perceptions; his HUD gives him a variety of information and process abilitity, superhuman durability, superhuman speed, superhuman stamina, superhuman strength, energy blasts, force fields and barriers, skilled unarmed combatant with martial arts knowledge, accelerated metabolism, some form of technopathy, can hack and disable most security systems, networks, and other advanced technology fairly easily; possesses an A.I known as J.A.R.V.I.S who complements his combat abilities, also posssesses a combat algorithm/progamming system known as the Stark Probability Engine i.e. S.P.E  that bases and enhances his combat abilities allowing him to anticipate and gauge enemy attacks, powers, fighting styles, and combat by recording and computating counter measures on the fly which essentially give him a limited form of short-range battle prediction; any other abilities generally vary as far as whatever model armor he's currently using; some more focused on raw power and strength, others on stealth or speed, usage in different enviroments like in the sea, figthing against the Hulk, and so on.
Weaknesses: Incredibly reliant on the Iron Man armor and other technology which without them he is more or less physically as frail as a normal human; can be arrogant at times, also the Arc Reactor in his chest is what prevents sharpnel from reaching his heart
Destructive Capacity: Island level; possibly higher 
Range: Several kilometers with replusor blasts and other ranged weaponry; extended melee with physical attacks
Speed: Massively hypersonic+; faster then the Falcon who could at least go mach 235+ and can keep up with Thor and Hyperion
Durability: Island level
Lifting Strength: Class EJ+; supported Thor and Hulk bracing the entire island of Manhattan while underwater
Striking Strength:
Class GJ+; probably higher as he can trade blows with Loki, Thor, Attuma, and other powerhouses
Stamina: Vastly superhuman
Standard Equipment: Mark 49 armor before the Red Skull and MODOK hijacked and stole it from him; afterwards Mark 50 armor and all the equipment and gear that comes with it
Intelligence: Superhuman genius; incredibly gifted intellectually, Tony has created and built various cutting edge technologies such as advanced artifical intelligences, combat probability predicting programs, designed weapons and equipment for S.H.I.E.L.D as well as the Redwing armor that Falcon uses. He also repeatedly has hacked through various advanced networks, firewalls, defense systems, and others. In one alternate future where Tony and human reverted Bruce Banner are working for Doom who had control over the Earth, Tony helped developed  a technology that locked Mjolnir in a time-space bubble. Tony has also shown advanced levels of knowledge on human biology and anatomy as he was capable of anaylzing a weakened Hulk's constitution after the latter was poisoned with some kind of reactive agent meant to activate on a target with gamma radiation.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Repulsors: These are particle beam weapons mounted in his armor (usually on the palms of his hands) that move at great speeds and can penetrate powerful alloys and do large scale damage with great accuracy; can be configured to do specific damage or AoE blasts.

Unibeam: The most powerful variant of replusor technology, located on his chest's arc reactor, which fires the most destructive blast of energy he's capable of producing.

Electromagnetic Blaster: Allows him to fire a ring of electromagnetic energy that disables technology and other electronics in a pulsing blast.

Shoulder-mounted rockets/missiles: As the name says, he has dozens of missiles and miniature rockets that can be extended from the shoulders and back of his armor that can be fired in any direction.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This profile only covers Avengers Assemble's Tony Stark/Iron Man from the Marvel Comics Animated Universe; which corresponds to the Earth-12401 universe in the Marvel Comics multiverse. Should not be confused with the main comic incarnation from Earth-616 or the likewise named Iron Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe which represents Earth-199999 universe.