"You two should spend some time apart."

Name: Alexandrite
Origin: Steven Universe
Gender: Technically genderless, female by human standards
Classification: Gem fusion
Age: At least 6000 years old
Powers and Abilities: Immortality (type 1), shapeshifting, super strength, speed & durability, can see possible futures, elemental manipulation (fire, possibly electricity & ice)
Weaknesses: Cannot regenerate damage done to her gemstones, can become unstable and unfuse if the gems making her up aren't working in unison
Destructive Capacity: At least continent level+ (hurt and defeated Malachite, who took Lapis's full strength to keep emprisoned)
Range: At least several hundred metres
Speed: MFTL
Durability: At least continent level+ (withstood attacks from Malachite)
Lifting Strength: At least class 5
Striking Strength:
Class NJ
Stamina: Nearly limitless
Standard Equipment: Pearls spear, Amethysts whip, Garnets gauntlets, Opals bow, Sardonyxs hammer, Sugalites flail
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Breath of Fire - Alexandrite can breathe immense burst of fire 

Summon weapons - Alexandrite can summon the weapons of all the gems and fusions they can make

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
