 Charisma fucking Carpenter in my Supernatural? Hell yes!


Name: Maggie Stark
Origin: Supernatural
Gender: Female
Classification: Witch
Age: 800+ years old
Powers and Abilities: Immortality (type 1), expert magic user (mainly hexing and manipulating probability to kill people), telekinesis
Weaknesses: Iron shackles can restrain her magic, can be killed with a certain spell, the Witchcatcher
Destructive Capacity: Unknown, likely building level with prep (should scale off Rowena)
Range: Several dozen meters, kilometers for certain spells
Speed: Average human
Durability: Average human
Lifting Strength: Average human
Striking Strength: 
Class H
Stamina: Average human
Standard Equipment: Magical coins and hex bags
Intelligence: Has lived for many centuries, greatly knowledgable in magic, art and philosophy 
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
