Can't spell Winchester without Win 


Name: John Winchester
Origin: Supernatural
Gender: Male
Classification: Human hunter, a badass, deadbeat dad
Age: 52
Powers and Abilities: Peak human attributes, expert hand to hand combatant, expert gunslinger, supernatural willpower, having had endured a hundred years of torture in hell and managed to take back control of his body after being possessed by Azazel | Family man level, soul ripping, intangibilityinvisibilitytelekinesisteleportationimmortality (type 7)
Weaknesses: As if
Destructive Capacity: Street level | Street level+
Range: Melee range, dozens of meters with guns
Speed: Peak human
Durability: Peak human | Passive intangibility
Lifting Strength: Above average human 
Striking Strength: 
Class H
Stamina: Peak human | Potentially limitless
Standard Equipment: Formerly the Impala and whatever firearms and accessories Sam and Dean used that were stored in his lockers
Intelligence: Genius; the man taught Dean everything he knows and he had military experience as a corporal in the Marine Corps
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 


Key: Human John | Ghost John