Demon MILF
Demon MILF

Name: Hild
Origin: Ah! My Goddess
Gender: Female
Classification: Supreme Demon Lord (Daimakaicho)
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Telepathy, telekinesis, flight, energy projection and manipulation, time manipulation, probability manipulation, shapeshifting, can create independent avatars of herself, teleportation, can communicate with spirits, dimensional travel and manipulation, regeneration (high), immortality (type 1), super senses, can seal other beings, minor reality warping, matter manipulation, can induce fear in others, barriers, elemental manipulation, several others
Weaknesses: Can be sealed if she is taken by surprise and hit rapidly with multiple high-level spells
Destructive Capacity: Unknown (an avatar with only 1/1000th of her power was comparable to a First-Class Goddess)
Range: At least planetary
Speed: Peak human, can be amped to faster than the eye can see levels, hypersonic with continuous acceleration
Durability: Peak human (enhanced by barriers and regeneration, by powerscaling she should be able to contain an antimatter explosion with a blast radius of 3000 km)
Strength: Peak human (can presumably be amped higher)
Stamina: Peak human (can presumably be amped higher)
Standard Equipment: Her broom/flying machine Dragon Flame Death Wave, which is supposedly the fastest broom in hell.
Intelligence: Incredibly intelligent and manipulative, has run an entire dimension for who-knows-how-long, vast knowledge of magic and supernatural beings
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This profile only covers the manga version of Hild. Hild is Urd's mother.