Spinosaurus Jurassic Park OBD
Honey, i'm home!

Name: Spinosaurus Aegypticus
Origin: Jurassic Park
Gender: Varies
Classification: Large Theropod Dinosaur
Age: Varies
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super speed, super durability, strong swimmer
Weaknesses: Is just an animal so it relies on instinct
Destructive Capacity: Small buidling level (somewhat inconsistent, at least comparable to the T-rex)
Range: Several meters by virtue of size
Speed: Superhuman+ (around T-rex speed)
Durability: Small building Level (like most animals, if not shot in the head can take hundreds of rounds to bring down, can smash into tall trees and bring down brick walls without damage)
Lifting Strength: Class 5+ (overpowered an adult T-rex)
Striking Strength: Class MJ
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Highly efficient predator
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


This profile covers all full grown Spinosaurus in Jurassic Park.