Standard senior badass.
Standard senior badass.

Name: Schrechimer
Origin: Dark Mage
Gender: Male
Classification: Human Mage; Former Commanding Mage of the Truvanian Army
Age: Unknown; looks to be at least in his late 60s or early 70s
Powers and Abilities: Can use magic to inflict others with blindness, teleport, manipulate the elements, inflict fatal injuries with a spell, can fire a wave of bright light, can communicate with any foreigner using the right spell, healing
Weaknesses: Mages tend to be vulnerable against physical fighters who can interrupt their casting spells
Destructive Capacity: At least building level
Range: At least dozens of meters
Speed: Average human
Durability: Average human
Lifting Strength: Average human
Striking Strength: Average human
Stamina: Average human
Standard Equipment: His staff
Intelligence: Among the oldest (possibly the oldest) of magesand therefore knows a great deal about magic
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Blindness: A spell that inflicts the selected target(s) with blindness.

- Critical Wounds: A spell that inflicts fatal wounds on the targets.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
