Her name is a mistranslation for Hot Mama Cita
Her name is a mistranslation for Hot Mama Cita

Name: Hyacia
Origin: Chronicles of the Cursed Sword
Gender: Technically male (Ban-Go's malice given form), female by choice of avatar. Officially female post-Anu
Classification: Demon/Spirit/Primordial Darkness
Age: As old as the universe
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed and durability, can create pocket dimensions, protective spells, power bestowal, immortality via body possession (no longer the only reason), regeneration, curse removal, can resist a certain level of reality warping, poison immunity, can resist powerful illusions, barrier creation, can create a void where beasts not only eat you but corrupt your body (since they're beasts made of darkness), transformation (true form), has a demon spirit, powerful seals capable of making one port whever she pleases (ported Buk Du two universes away), can warp a persons' existence, can distort space, can enter and exit a pocket dimension at her leisure, intangibility in true form, can form a dark wing and two blades (one white and one black)
Weaknesses: Prior to Anu, she could not use her full power in true form without tiring (granted, she went through two fights before she fatigued)
Destructive Capacity: At least universal (created a pocket universe filled with stars. Her power, along with 1st awakening Ban-Go, were a threat to the human world. Her power during this event was 1/10th this form's power) | Low multiversal (stated she can destroy Ban-Go's universes) | Higher
Range: At least universal
Speed: MFTL
Durability: At least universal level, likely much higher (1/10th of her power fought and didn't outright die to Ban-Go Rey. Rey was able to destroy an unknown portion of Hyacia's pocket universe by just powering up. She also received superficial damage against someone who wrecked that Rey) | Likely low multiversal | Low multiversal (tanked Rey's casual blast--this Rey had just recently defeated Pasa Ban-Go and acquired a sword fused with the power of Pasa/Ban-Go/Anu)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (blocked an angry Pasa with a single finger early in the series) | Superhuman | At least Class Z (caught and swung an accelerated planetoid)
Striking Strength: Superhuman (doesn't focus on this) | Superhuman | Superhuman
Stamina: Large
Standard Equipment: Soul Hammer (which isn't actually a hammer, but a ball and chain), two blades she can create at will, and an enchanted spear
Intelligence: Absolute genius and a master inventor. She created the soul cape (which takes your soul to another dimension), her flagship, the pottery that takes you to an entirely different dimension, and the Mirror of Distance Soul (which can take you anywhere, but only one time a day)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

She rarely, if ever, named her attacks in the early half of the series. Due to lack of translation, it isn't known whether she named her later techniques.


Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Key: Base form | True form | Anu Gifted
