Leviathan OBD
The Hydraean

Leviathan/The Hydraean
Origin: Final Fantasy XV
Gender: Female
Classification: Astral
Age: Unknown (was around to along the creation of Eos)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, elemental manipulation (of the water and wind variety), summoning (of herself), flight and levitation, immortality (types 1 and 4)
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: At least country level+ (superior to Noctis prior to temporarily acquiring the full Armiger Arsenal), possibly multi continent level (the mural Genesis depicts her as potentially being peer to Bahamut)
Range: Several hundred kilometers
Speed: Massively hypersonic (demonstrates speeds comparable to the Armiger Arsenal's telekinetic attacks)
Durability: At least country level+, possibly multi continent level (demonstrates the ability to endure [if not getting torn apart by] a protracted beating from Noctis' complete Armiger Arsenal [attacks that demonstrated power well in excess of her own].  Also tanked the power of Lunafreya's Trident [a Royal Arm])
Lifting Strength: Class T+
Striking Strength: At least Class ZJ+, possibly Class NJ
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Has been watching over Eos with the other Astrals since times immemorial.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Inconclusive OBD Matches:
