He makes the impossible possible

Name: Starscream, later referred to as Super Starscream after absorbing Primus' Spark
Origin: Transformers Cybertron
Gender: Male
Classification: Decepticon warrior
Age: Exact age unknown, at least millions of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, enhanced durability, can fire energy blasts with his weapons, can transform himself into a jet, flight, can create a wind barrier and a gust of air sufficient to blast back other Transformers via the air pressure from his arm movement, minor telekinesisteleportation and dimensional travel via his fire portals, able to destroy dimensional portals (weaker characters with ordinary weapons in his series can do so, and Starscream did it as a side-effect of his clash with Master Galvatron), can rip apart spacetime barehanded (the much weaker Master Megatron did this and before that, Master Megatron and Sonic Convoy/Sonic Wing Optimus caused a spacetime rip with their beam clash. Starscream's own clash with Master Galvatron distorted spacetime to the point that the explosion from their energies colliding flung Starscream and two others into another dimension. With all of that said, it seems spacetime shenanigans can be caused with enough raw power in Cybertron/Galaxy Force.), can alter his size, mid-low level regeneration, and can enhance himself further with Primus' spark
Weaknesses: Nothing noticeable
Destructive Capacity: Likely star system level, he can hurt characters as durable as himself. Super Starscream is also comparable to Master Galvatron in power output. He also absorbed the power of three Cyber Planet Keys, pieces of Primus's essence, and each has enough power to alter an entire planet. One example is Gigantion being enlargened to the size of a star (a character says that it isn't a star only because of the rings around it, not its size) by one Key, and its energy signature was compared to a supernova's. Starscream absorbed so much energy that Primus couldn't stay conscious for too long at one point.  Just for the sake of completion, Starscream and Megatron would've destroyed Earth if they fought.
Range: At least several hundred thousand kilometers with his energy blasts
Speed: FTL. He should be at least as fast, if not faster than Wing Saber, who likely covered light-years in a few days to get to Earth since his starting point was far outside the Earth's solar system.
Durability: Star system level+, his much weaker form before receiving the Primus power-up survived inside a sun that collapsed into a black hole, which destroyed six planets after its formation.  Starscream also survived a charged cannon blast from Primus, whose power was partially restored with three Cyber Planet Keys and the Matrix of Leadership.
Lifting Strength: Class Y+, a much weaker character can tow Cybertron
Striking Strength: Class XTJ
Stamina: High
Standard Equipment: A single large blade in his right arm, a large cannon in his left, four smaller cannons, and his golden Pimp Crown
Intelligence: Above average. He managed to trick Megatron and trap him, which bought him enough time to drain Primus of his Spark
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Vortex Storm: Fires a gust of wind by swinging his swords.

- Vortex Cannon: Uses his Cyber Key to unlock a large cannon in his left arm.

- Vortex Blade: Uses his Cyber Key to unlock a large blade in his right arm.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


There are many versions of Starscream, this one deals with Starscream from Transformers Cybertron.

Shit I said that details why he's as durable as I say he is.