Vykromod Tyrian
You know you're unfunny when you have to laugh at your own jokes

Name: Vykromod
Origin: Tyrian
Gender: Apparently male
Classification: Unknown (likely alien), Leader of Microsol
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Shapeshifting, non-corporeal, immortality, (types 1 and 3), possession, various other vague powers
Weaknesses: Trent Hawkins
Destructive Capacity: Large planet level
Range: Unknown
Speed: FTL
Durability: Large planet level (although apparently he can only be killed by Trent)
Strength: Unknown
Stamina: No limit shown
Standard Equipment: The entire Microsol fleet (consisting of at least thousands of battleships that can shrug off planetbusting firepower like nothing and easily return far more)
Intelligence: Mastermind of Microsol, lead an invasion of an entire space sector and was only stopped due to Trent's skills
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Immortality: He is capable of surviving even with his physical body destroyed

- Possession: He was able to build a new body around the Nose of Zinglon

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Vykromod was actually just a pawn of Zinglon, so it is possible that Zinglon granted him his powers