empyrean obd
a Titan / Empyrean as depicted in 5th edition 


Name: Varies, the race is known as Titans / Empyreans 
Origin: Dungeons & Dragons 
Gender: either 
Classification: Celestial giants, Quasi-gods
Age: Varies, typically very old due to being immortal 
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical traits, flightimmortality (type 1), enhanced sensessummoning, dimensional travel, elemental manipulation,magic allowing for mind manipulationillusionsinvisibility, magic dispelling, healingshapeshifting, intangibility and BFR into a maze pocket dimension. resistant to magic. | all of the above but also teleportationtransmutation, reality warping, time manipulation, soul manipulation, probability manipulation, precognition and death magic
Weaknesses: Lawful magical weapons | Epic magical weapons
Destructive Capacity: City level (passively affect the weather with their emotions, are epic level creatures) | At least Country level, likely above Continent level (comparable to Demon Lords)
Range: Over a dozen meters due to size, higher with magic, can travel between dimensions | Universal via teleporting
Speed: At leasy Hypersonic+ comabt speed (far faster than lightning dodgers), likely Massively Hypersonic+ | Massively Hypersonic+
Durability: City level | At least Country level, likely above Continent level
Lifting Strength: Class K+ | Class M+
Striking Strength: Class PJ+ | Class ZJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: a gigantic weapon (typically a two handed hammer) | an even bigger hammer
Intelligence: Superhuman | Vastly Superhuman, spend untold millenia learning about the secrets of the cosmos

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Note; this profile uses sources from 3rd and 5th editions.

Key: Titan | Elder Titan