Pokota Slayers
He admires Rezo too much

Name: Posel Korba Taforashia (Pokota)
Origin: Slayers
Gender: Male
Classification: Prince of Taforashia, whose soul was transferred into a stuffed animal
Age: 15
Powers and Abilities: Super speed, flight, magic, elemental manipulation, soul manipulation, healing, forcefield creation and autobarriers depending on the spell, some mind manipulation abilities, can attack non-corporeal beings as well as those in other dimensions
Weaknesses: His soul has been transferred into a stuffed animal, which may affect his strength and durability
Destructive Capacity: City level+
Range: Several kilometers
Speed: Faster than the eye+
Durability: A bit over peak human (without barriers)
Lifting Strength: Normal human
Striking Strength: Normal human
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: A replica of the Sword of Light
Intelligence: High for human standards. He has a very good understanding of magic.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Dragon Slave/Dragu Slave/Drag Slave: A spell that takes the power of the resident demon lord Ruby Eye Shabranigdu, the spell takes the form of a red blast with destruction capability of Citybuster+, this spell affects both the material plane and the astral plane, which means the damage it does to the material plane it also does on a spiritual level, capable of damaging noncorporeal creatures and souls.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
