An accurate depiction of what happens when you read books


Name: Charlotte Mont-d'Or, Mont-d'Or, epithet ''Book Keeper''
Origin: One Piece
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Member of the Big Mom Pirates, Minister of Cheese, Paramecia Devil Fruit User
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, agility, endurance, skilled gunslinger, ate the Buku Buku no Mi, a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows the user to control and manipulate any number of books around them, can cast visual illusions from his books and trap them within them, levitation via standing on his books
Weaknesses: Cannot swim and becomes immobilized if more than half of his body is covered in water
Destructive Capacity: At least city level+ via powerscaling, possibly higher (is a high-ranking member of Big Mom's crew, is without a doubt stronger than his younger brother Kato who can match Pedro)
Range: Several dozen meters with his rifle, potentially higher with the Buku Buku no Mi
Speed: At least sub-relativistic+ (intercepted an enraged Luffy with a book illusion)
Durability: At least city level+ via powerscaling, possibly higher
Lifting Strength: Likely Class G+ via powerscaling, possibly higher
Striking Strength: 
Likely at least Class PJ+ via powerscaling, possibly higher
Stamina: Superhuman+ (withstood a burst of Big Mom's Haƍshoku Haki)
Standard Equipment: His rifle and numerous books
Intelligence: Skilled fighter, has a good tactical mind (has been seen organizing and deploying his forces against the Straw Hats and Fire Tank Pirates)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Buku Buku no Mi (Book Book no Mi): This Devil Fruit grants the user the ability to control nearby books, regardless of their size, allowing them to telekinetically move them around and even use them as footholds. The biggest strength of this fruit is the ability to trap living things inside a book's setting. This can be done in two ways. First, by hovering an open book above the target, they will be placed under the visual illusion that they are within the book's world, which will cease once the book is shut. Secondly, the user can physically trap targets inside a book, turning them into an illustration within that book, where they will not age; Mont-d'Or is usually seen pinning down his captives with oversized nails, which are seemingly unbreakable. A person can travel in and out of a book at will by inserting a special bookmark into the page.

  • World of "Books": By hovering an open book above an enemy, Mont-d'Or traps them within the visual illusions that they are inside the book's setting, distracting and confusing them long enough for him or his allies to attack them. The illusion ends once the book is closed.


Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses:
